struggling to learn HTML

what I've learned so far

strong and emphasis"Em"

basically i've learned that empahsis is like, super duper important. Also Italicizes shit which is cool AF

gay furries kissing

this is the website I am using to learn right now



my favorite characters and why!

He's such a sweet lil' guy! but he can go off if someone gets him mad

art from lackadaisy website

Lucario's one of the coolest pokémon in general

art by PenguinEXperience on devianart

isabelle (animal crossing)
she's just really cute!

art by chocomiru02 on DevianArt

learning CSS like a BOSS

the first thing I've learned is how to make text different colors like red

This paragraph will have blue text.

This is normal text, but this is red text.

apparently it takes a while for CSS to load so we will see.

apparently that tuorial was entirely bullshit so im going to try something different. probably not today though because im on my phone :p hopefully i will be able to figure it out in the next day or two!

if you want to watch me lose my mind while trying to learn CSS click here